What you need to know about Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety has many causes and most people go through it at some point in their life. While everyone may have some nervousness or worry at one point or another, there are severe cases that need to be taken care of right away.
In most cases, anxiety is caused by deficiency of Gamma Aninobutryic Acid in the brain. Gamma Aninobutryic Acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter produced by a neurochemical called Glutamate. GABA is an anti-anxiety neurotransmitter that affects the brain.
GABA supplements help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression in cases where it affects the quality of daily life. One thing worth noting is that there are GABA supplements that are not as effective as they should be. This is because GABA cannot go across the blood-brain barrier. Nootropics achieve this, which makes them the ideal anti-anxiety medication and cognitive enhancers.
Here are 5 of the best nootropics for anxiety;
1. Phenibut 
Phenibut is one of the best nootropics used as anti-anxiety treatment. The fact that it is a derivative of GABA that crosses the blood-brain barrier is what makes it so good. Phenibut relaxes the user as it inhibits GABA-b receptors; it is a sedative.
Phenibut works very effectively for people with bouts of anxiety and panic attacks. The supplement is the best nootropic to use for severe cases even though daily usage is not recommended. Research has established that the supplement could have long-term side effects if used on a daily basis. You can learn more about phenibut here.
2. Inositol
Inositol is effective in increasing the release of GABA in the brain. The supplement is also known as vitamin B8 and was first discovered in cerebrospinal fluid. It works effectively since it crosses the blood-brain barrier, promoting feelings of well-being and relaxation.
The supplement works to put the user in a good mood. Research is still underway to determine whether it has any effect on more serious disorders such as bipolar disorder or mental illness. Some studies however show promise.
3. Aniracetam
This is one of the best racetam supplements when it comes to treating stress and social anxiety. It functions by enhancing the mood through stimulating AMPA receptors which control Glutamate. According to research carried out about the supplement, it increases Glutamate supply thus affecting GABA levels in the brain.
When in a good mood, the individual can overcome social inhibitions and become more at ease around people. Introverts can use the supplement to help improve their social conduct. It also has other benefits such as improving focus, energy levels, and motivation.
4. Picamilon
Studies show that the supplement is almost similar to phenibut and treats depression, anxiety, mental fatigue and self-deprecating thoughts. The supplement has fewer side effects than phenibut and is a mild stimulant. It is safe to use on a daily basis and can be stacked with other nootropics to get higher energy levels and motivation.
5. Noopept
The supplement has mixed reviews as it is known to have effects on some individuals and no effect on others. Noopept functions in a similar way to the racetam supplements as it improves the uptake of Glutamate by stimulating AMPA receptors.
Studies have shown that Noopept is also increases levels of serotonin and dopamine in the cerebral cortex. The supplement is much more potent than Aniracetam or Piracetam, hence has longer lasting effects. Individuals who take it for anxiety and stress usually have to take it once a day to experience relief.
Individuals looking to buy the supplements should gather information about the right way of usage and side effects. Stacking also requires prior knowledge of the supplements you are using in combination.
